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Research interests
- Probabilistic analysis of wind turbine dynamics
- Alternative wind turbine designs (e.g. floating, stall-regulated, downwind)
- Support structure optimization and structural reliability
- Advanced analysis method for dynamical systems
- Optimization of wind turbine operations & maintenance
- Fatigue monitoring & Lifetime extension
Current research projects
- 2024-2028
Training Wind Energy Experts on Digitalization (HEU TWEED)
Work package leader & Supervisor - 2021-2024
X-shaped Radical Offshore wind Turbine for Overall cost of energy Reduction (H2020 XROTOR)
Work package leader & Supervisor - 2021-2029
Norwegian Research Center on Wind Energy (NorthWind FME)
Member of Scientific Committee & Supervisor - 2020-2024
FlOAting Wind Energy netwoRk (H2020 FLOAWER ITN)
Task Leader & Supervisor - 2018-2023
Engineering speed modelling of realistic fatigue for all the individual turbines in wind farms by representative pre-calculations (NEXTFARM KPN)
Local Project Leader & Researcher
Previous research projects
- 2014-2018
Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise (H2020 AWESOME ITN)
Local Project Leader, WP Manager & Researcher - 2014-2018
Advancing BeYond Shallow WaterS (DSF ABYSS)
Local Project Leader & Researcher - 2018
Laboratory tests of white-etching-crack (WEC) failure mode (IRPWIND Joint Experiment) - 2014-2017
Integrated Research Programme on Wind Energy (FP7 IRPWIND)
Task Leader and Partner Contact - 2013-2015
Sino-Nordic network on Dynamics and Reliability of Renewable Energy Systems
Researcher - 2013-2015
Norwegian Offshore Wind Energy Research Infrastructure - Floating Experimental Wind Turbine (NOWERI-FLEXWT)
Scientific Coordinater - 2012-2016
Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH FME)
Vice-Chair Scientific Committee & Researcher - 2012-2013
Advanced jacket models for offshore wind turbines with superelements (RCN Yggdrasil)
Project manager - 2011-2015
High Power, High Reliability Offshore Wind Technoogy (FP7 HiPRwind)
WP Leader - 2010-2012
Innovative foundation structure for offshore wind turbines (RCN IPN)
Local Project Leader & Researcher