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On-going PostDoc projects
None currently
Former PostDocs
- Dr Jing Dong (2022-2023)
- Dr Jacobus Bernardus de Vaal (2018-2021)
- Dr Gordon Stewart (2015-2017)
- Dr Karl Merz (2012-2013)
- Dr Paul Thomassen (2012)
PhD students
On-going PhD projects
- Afolarinwa David Oyegbile
Holistic design optimization of wind turbine structures (NorthWind FME) - Adriana Correia da Silva
Structural design and optimization of a novel wind turbine concept (H2020 XROTOR) - Sebastian Drexler
Design optimization of modular support structures for offshore wind turbines with focus on reliability (NOWRIC)
Former PhD students
- Eva Melina Schmitt
Advanced design and optimized cost of mooring systems (H2020 FLOAWER ITN) - Wojciech Popko (2020)
Dynamics of offshore wind turbine support structures influenced by sea ice loads (Fraunhofer IWES) - Helene Seyr (2020)
Stochastic wind park modelling and maintenance scheduling under uncertainty - a serious game (H2020 AWESOME ITN) - Lars Einar Stieng (2020)
Robust optimization of offshore wind turbine support structures (DSF ABYSS) - Tu Ying (2018)
Wave slamming forces on offshore wind turbine jacket structures - Lisa Ziegler (2018)
Assessment of monopiles for lifetime extension of offshore wind turbines - Sebastian Schafhirt (2017)
Dynamic analysis and structural optimization of support structures for bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines - Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella (2016)
Breaking wave characteristics and breaking wave forces on slender cylinders - Daniel Zwick (2015)
Simulation and optimization in offshore wind turbine structural analysis - Haiyan Long (2014)
A bottom-fixed lattice tower for offshore wind turbines - Lars Fredrik Sandquist (2013)
Individual pitch control for large scale wind turbines - Marit Reiso (2013)
The tower shadow effect in downwind turbines - Eric van Buren
Foundation systems for bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines
MSc students
On-going MSc projects
MSc students at NTNU start in January. For foreign students that want to take a master thesis with us at NTNU, the dates can be arranged flexibly.
- Friedrich Jersch
Tentative title: Optimized structural model of floating foundation flexibility in FOWT design (TU Delft / Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) - Olav Katle Fleten
Tentative title: Floating wind turbine power cable optimization - Matthijs Wakkerman
Tentative title: Influence of wave loading variance on safety factor calibration for offshore wind support structures (TU Delft / Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) - Vicente Camilla Modion
Tentative title: Large towers for wind turbines
Former MSc students
- Signe Fischer Lambertsen (2023)
Wave statistics with constrained sampling - Gudrun Østling (2023)
Regulating an irregular sea - Glen Oumellal (2023)
Prediction of quiescent periods in linear wave theory with the Prony method - Ane Bjerkebæk (2023)
Design sensitivity analysis of the X-rotor offshore wind turbine jacket structure - Thomander Blichfeldt (2023)
Structural optimization of the crossbar on the X-Rotor offshore wind turbine concept - Jannis Wacker (2022)
Structural optimisation of airborne wind energy systems with rotary transmission (DTU Wind Energy) - Francesco Castellino (2022)
Non-local effects of support structure diameter on wave induced fatigue loads of monopile-based offshore wind turbines (TU Delft / Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) - Saif Ansari (2022)
Optimal logistics and spare parts planning for offshore wind farm operations (DTU Wind Energy) - Hamad Alawi (2021)
Structural reliability of fixed jacket of offshore wind turbine (University of Stavanger) - Jaehyeun Lee (2019)
Fatigue assessment of offshore wind turbines using measurement of individual turbines and machine learning techniques (TU Delft / Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) - Esther Dornhelm (2018)
Simplified wind farm design as a serious game - Alahyar Koochekali (2018)
Improved lumping of offshore wind turbine fatigue load cases - Francois Nicolas Emmanuel Million (2018)
Value of virtual sensing on offshore windturbines - Ruben Martinez Ochagavia (2018)
The compliant tower concept for offshore wind turbines - Odd Eiken (2017)
Fatigue damage in offshore wind turbines using probability density evolution - Cody Owen (2017)
Ice-induced vibrations of vertically sided model structures - Jorge Mendoza Espinosa (2017)
Evaluation of the fatigue resistance of offshore jacket joints by numerical approaches - Nikolaos Xyloudis (2017)
Gradient-based optimization of jacket support structure for offshore wind turbines with the local approach - Mareike Leimeister (2016)
Rational upscaling and modelling of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine - Benedicte Hexeberg Hammerstad (2016)
Sensitivities in fatigue analysis of offshore wind turbine support structures - Matthieu B Rhomberg (2016)
Optimizing the structural lifetime of monopile-based offshore wind turbines with genetic algorithms - Lisa Sabine Ziegler (2015)
Probabilistic estimation of fatigue loads on monopile-based offshore wind turbines - Marc Garcia Llado (2015)
Structural reliability analysis and robust design of offshore wind turbine support structures - Qi Wang (2015)
Ice-induced vibrations under continuous brittle crushing for an offshore wind turbine - Konrad Robert Hryniewicki (2015)
Robustness of support structures for offshore wind turbines - Einar Sortland Sande (2015)
Fatigue assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures with the frequency domain method - Ole Edvard Bakkom (2015)
Computer-aided optimization of an offshore jacket for a wind turbine with a simplified load model - Ignacio Eugenio Rausa Heredia (2014)
Characterization of wave slamming forces for a truss structure within the framework of the WaveSlam project - Niels Verkaik (2014)
Comparison of impulse based substructuring and fully coupled analysis for an offshore wind turbine - Marek Goldschmidt (2014)
Coupled mooring systems for floating wind farms - Johan Henrik Martens (2014)
Topology optimization of a jacket for an offshore wind turbine - Junaid Anwar Syed (2014)
Simplified dynamics of offshore structures - Annika Laks (2014)
Mooring system design for floating wind turbines - Johan Magne Hembre (2014)
Stochastic analysis of an offshore wind turbine using a simplified dynamic model - Eirik Christensen (2014)
Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization of support structures for offshore wind turbines - Kasper Sandal (2014)
Improved design of the support structure for the NOWITECH 10 MW Reference Turbine - Fredrik Haug (2013)
Optimization of an active heave compensated (AHC) offshore knuckle jib crane - Lucia Barcena Pasamontes & Fernando Gomez Torres (2014)
Topology optimization of jacket support structure with genetic algorithm - Live Salvesen Fevåg (2012)
Influence of marine growth on support structure design for offshore wind turbines - Håvard Molde (2012)
Simulation-based optimization of lattice support structures for offshore wind energy - Wei Gong (2011)
Lattice tower design of offshore wind turbine support structures - Torbjørn Ruud Hagen (2011)
Numerical simulations of flow past a truss tower with an evaluation of tower shadow models for wind turbines - Matti Scheu (2011)
Maintenance strategies for large offshore wind farms (University of Stuttgart) - Camilla Volnes (2011)
Integrated analysis of scour effects for an offshore wind turbine truss structure - Anders Kjetså & Lars Jørgen Saaghus (2010)
Local dynamics of offshore wind turbine jacket sub-structures
Visiting scientists / researchers
- Wojciech Popko
- JD Walsh
- Kok Hon Chew
- Mathias Brommundt
- Jan Dubois
- Ludwig Krause