Our group provides advice to funding agencies, scientific journals, the general public, independent inventors, start-up companies, and many others. We do our best to help everybody interested in our areas of expertise, but we are in fact asked for help in more cases than we can handle. Short advice is usually no problem, but you should realize that for anything where a certain amount of work is needed we would either need an interested master student willing to write a thesis about it, or a funded, externally financed research project to provide the necessary resources in terms of manpower.
We offer professional advice in wind energy science and applied mathematics, in particular with regard to wind turbine design, dynamics and concept evaluation, as well as in statistics and advanced data analysis.
Please contact us for more information.
Study-group Mathematics with Industry
I have been active participant in the Dutch Study Groups Mathematics with Industry (SWI) since 2008. Some of the projects I have been working on:
- Optimizing stocking strategies for bakeries (SWI 2023).
- Quiescent periods for helicopter landing on ships (SWI 2017).
- Energy consumption of trains (SWI 2016).
- Dynamical models of extreme rolling of vessels in head waves (SWI 2009).
- Modelling and simulation of phase transitions in multicomponent aluminum alloy casting (SWI 2008).
- Three approaches to extend the Heston model (SWI 2007).
PhD review committees
I have been external reviewer for the following PhD defenses:
- Bruce LeBlanc (2024): Dynamics of the pitch-able VAWT. TU Delft
- Jenna Iori (2023): Numerical methods for control co-design of wind turbines. DTU Wind Energy
- Sudipta Lal Basu (2022): Wind field simulation and fluid-structure interaction in wind farms. Trinity College Dublin
- Dawid Augustyn (2022): Towards offshore digital twins. Aalborg University
- Alexis Cousin (2021): Optimisation sous contraintes probabilistes d’un système complexe - Application au dimensionnement d’une éolienne offshore flottante. Polytechnic Insitute of Paris
- Wojciech Popko (2021): Impact of sea ice loads on global dynamics of offshore wind turbines. Fraunhofer IWES / Leibniz University Hanover
- Joey Velarde (2020): Probabilistic design of offshore wind turbine support structures. Aalborg University
- Laurentius Martinus Maria van den Bos (2020): Quadrature methods for wind turbine load calculations. Delft University of Technology
- Shaofeng Wang (2019): Assessment of offshore wind turbines in extreme weather conditions. DTU Wind Energy
- Jan Häfele (2019): A numerically efficient andd holistic approach to design optimization of offshore wind turbine jacket substructures. Leibniz University Hanover
- Maik D Reder (2018): Reliability modelling and failure detection algorithms for wind turbines. University of Zaragoza
- Wilfried Njome Wandji (2018): Probabilistic design of wind turbine structures. DTU Wind Energy.
- Joseph Donald Walsh III (2017): The boundary method and General Auction for optimal mass transportation and Wasserstein distance computation Georgia Institute of Technology
- René Bos (2017): Extreme gusts and their role in wind turbine design. TU Delft.
- Daniel Kaufer (2017): Validation and applicability of an integrated load simulation method for offshore wind turbines with jacket structures. University Stuttgart.
- Alexandros Iliopoulos (2017): Virtual sensing techniques for response estimation and fatigue assessment of offshore wind turbines. VUB
- Prasad Vijaymala Devendra Chougule (2016): Innovative design of a Darrieus straight bladed vertical axis wind turbine by using multi element airfoil. Aalborg University.
- Estivaliz Lozano Minguez (2015): Fatigue & fracture mechanics of offshore wind turbine support structures. Cranfield University
- Fabian Vorpahl (2015): Modeling and loads for offshore wind turbines with braced support structures. Leibniz University Hannover
- Patrik Passon (2015): Offshore wind turbine foundation design. DTU Wind Energy
Boards and academic services
I have been involved in the following committees and roles, among others:
- European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE)
Board member representing NTNU and Past President (2012-2013). - European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) JP Wind
Point of contact for NTNU. - EERA DeepWind Conference
Co-organizer (with John Olav Tande and Trond Kvamsdal), Scientific Committee, Session Organizer and Best Paper/Poster Award Committee (2012-). - Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy (FME NorthWind)
Scientific committee and PhD Supervisor. - Wind Energy Science Journal
Associate Editor (founding member, 2014-). - WindEurope
Science Track Chair and Science & Research Topic Leader WindEurope Annual Events (2013-2021).