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My research group

I am heading a small research group working on offshore wind energy: the Offshore Wind Turbine Technology Group. Our main expertise is structural design and dynamics, which includes topics such as efficient wind turbine simulation, fatigue monitoring, structural reliability assessments, and the evaluation of novel designs. But we have also worked on control of wind turbines and maintenance planning and optimization, for example.

You can find out more about the group through the menu.

My personal webpage

This webpage is not only a (somewhat informal) overview of my research group, but also my personal space. I aim to regularly publish medium-sized articles in my blog here in the future, on a variety of topics (mostly not having to do with wind energy) to share some thoughts. If it is useful to you, please leave/send a comment and feel free to get in touch. Just don’t expect a (quick) reply - most people seriously underestimate the work load of a professor - the amount of emails alone that I get every day can kill!

There is little content on the blog at the moment, but I have a list of what to talk about… And watch out for the videos I am planning to publish!

About me

My personal background is in applied mathematics (notwithstanding some early, not very successful dabbling in theoretical physics), so I have quite some experience with dynamics and statistics. A lot of my professional work therefore focusses on applications of mathematical ideas to the design of wind turbines.

However, I am mostly a scientist at heart, not an engineer. I actually have some formal training in philosophy and physics, but mostly I have a passion for mathematics: I read mathematical monographs and textbooks for fun - in my freetime - and I do some mathematical research on the side.

On computers: I have experience with machine learning and some expertise in numerical algorithms. My preferred programming language is Julia, but I also use Python, Matlab, C, C++, Fortran, Javascript - whatever is needed to get things done! Maybe even Rust, Kotlin and Elixir? In case you are curious: I got my first computer at age 10 (a modified Sinclair ZX81 with 2 KB of memory), so I have been there right from the beginning, I guess.

My essential tools for doing interesting work are an old-school blackboard (I have one at home, too!) and a reMarkable 2 e-paper tablet, which I consider ideal for theoretical work and sketches. For writing I am using Obsidian and a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. For illustrations I am currently trying Excalidraw, and am otherwise a big fan of TikZ (in LaTeX documents). My ToDo list is managed by the 2Do App.

Please avoid sending me documents in proprietory formats, since I use Linux by default.